Snitches Get Pitches


Sorry this is temporarily borked. Please go to the league to review schedule.

League Schedule

Debug Information

Request Variables

var = team

varb = snitches-get-pitches

varc = schedule

Debug Messages

Site ID: 1

Sub Domain:


Site name: LeagueJoe

Template: lj

SECURETOKEN: ae0600e1164a2663e8c2f02aa4977274

Login Type:

BASE:: team

FULL LINK:: team/snitches-get-pitches/schedule

Page ID: 49

Page ID:: 49

Page Template:: lj

Template Layout:: default

Headers: : Loading page header code

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Block Types: Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => module ) [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => Array ( [0] => module ) )

Element ID: Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) )

Admin Login Level: :

Admin Login Level: :

Footer: : Loading page footer code

Session Variables

securetoken = ae0600e1164a2663e8c2f02aa4977274
refer_params =

Cookie Variables

PHPSESSID = u9rh96buo4ffe4dlg23qqsb9ek

Server Variables

USER = leaguejo_dev
HOME = /home/leaguejo_dev
SCRIPT_NAME = /index.php
REQUEST_URI = /team/snitches-get-pitches/schedule/
QUERY_STRING = var=team&varb=snitches-get-pitches&varc=schedule
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PHP_SELF = /index.php
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT = 1716101817.9896
REQUEST_TIME = 1716101817

SQL Queries

Total Queries: 96
Total Execution Time: 42.6985ms
Avg Execution Time:0.44477604166667ms

QUERY(21.1039ms) - INSERT INTO security_log (domain,username, log_date, log_time, method, page, ip, address, browser, getvars, postvars, sessionvars,badlogin,userlogin,timestamp) VALUES ('','','2024-05-19', '06:56:57', 'GET', '/team/snitches-get-pitches/schedule/', '', '' ,'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;', 'OXoxRVZMVjQ4WTB4djhqV3ZoeDVtaWk0bVpKWXNoVFlDeGpkTXRpRUsxWm5FRTFxNVZYN0c5UnZwNGdqV3F0TFJyQ3pGaVVLVVdTYWZ0RFFhN25Nemt5cGE5YWpzK3dzWHVZNUZqQVo2U0g3b2FyU0hkSmVreS9OamdOazFkY25kU25nYW1CaEZKdzN6ZjdNdVQzenZhUWFlUlNtMWFNYUtwQjk1Q2N4WlBJPQ==', '','OXoxRVZMVjQ4WTB4djhqV3ZoeDVtblpoN1hrL0hkTEp1M0toVlNEamZheU5jVi9TRGdBNDJlQjBJdXlwOE81MmszTVRGcU1TYjNZZjljSUdDOEp5Z0xnMUVlbXVSWUpyV0d1WUdXVFA1eHZCdS9mcjlIb3VXbmw5M1crTENFZEpFYlhkaFNDK3Q3bFpmYmprb1hOSGNzNW5ROUVWYjM1ZUpzQzBPM3k3eU9iR0JNWnk1OEFGUWdyN2pZZ2RpTWh6QktvVGt2QTQ1RXR4MEFOYkh2NmU3OGJRNWNISlA3VGxYMjk2RXhmL2xvOD0=','0','','1716101817') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ip`=`ip`

QUERY(0.5658ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `end_timestamp` FROM `security_locks` WHERE ((`who`='' && `which`='IP'))

QUERY(0.1979ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE dest FROM redirects WHERE source = '/team/snitches-get-pitches/schedule/'

QUERY(0.216ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='team/snitches-get-pitches/schedule' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.272ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`light`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='team' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.1788ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay`,`customize` FROM `pages` WHERE `id`='49'

QUERY(0.211ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.1731ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.2241ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE title,metakeys,metadescript,seomodule,seotitlefield,seodescfield,seotitletable,seodesctable,urllinkfield FROM pages WHERE `id`='49' && `domain`='1'

QUERY(0.2029ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.185ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.5262ms) - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches'

QUERY(0.5622ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.*,(SELECT COUNT(`team_id`) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id`) AS `leagues`,`photo`.`thumb_url` AS `thumb`,`photo`.`img_url` AS `large`,`photo`.`title` AS `alt`,`leagues`.`name`,`teams_players`.`player_id`,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`gamephoto`.`img_url` AS `gameimage` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches' GROUP BY `teams`.`team_id`

QUERY(0.1969ms) - SELECT `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.2639ms) - SELECT `team_id`, `league_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id` = 0 AND `season_id` = 0 AND `team_id` = 232 LIMIT 1

QUERY(0.1879ms) - SELECT `img_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=6542

QUERY(0.2918ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_headers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:49:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:49:%') ) ORDER BY `id` ASC

QUERY(0.226ms) - SELECT count(`league_id`) FROM `league_players` WHERE `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.2429ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `block_id`,`element_id`,`function_id`,`type` FROM `blocks` WHERE `page_id`='49' ORDER BY `order` ASC

QUERY(0.2091ms) - SELECT `abbr`,`name` FROM `states` WHERE `active`=1 ORDER BY `name` ASC

QUERY(0.2038ms) - select SQL_CACHE codename,classname,scriptname from modules WHERE `id`='5'

QUERY(0.1712ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.1788ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1469ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.1471ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1922ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.1671ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.2ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.1609ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.155ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.1571ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='triumphs'

QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM triumphs_config

QUERY(0.339ms) - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches'

QUERY(0.5748ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.*,(SELECT COUNT(`team_id`) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id`) AS `leagues`,`photo`.`thumb_url` AS `thumb`,`photo`.`img_url` AS `large`,`photo`.`title` AS `alt`,`leagues`.`name`,`teams_players`.`player_id`,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`gamephoto`.`img_url` AS `gameimage` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches' GROUP BY `teams`.`team_id`

QUERY(0.1869ms) - SELECT `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.2501ms) - SELECT `team_id`, `league_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id` = 0 AND `season_id` = 0 AND `team_id` = 232 LIMIT 1

QUERY(0.1822ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.211ms) - SELECT `league_id`,`season_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `team_id`=232

QUERY(0.8249ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.*,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id`) AS `teams` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`leagues`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`leagues`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`leagues`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) WHERE `leagues`.`league_id` = '7' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.19ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.3879ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_seasons`.*,`league_seasons`.`url` AS season_url,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,`league_dates`.`reg_date`,`league_dates`.`reg_end_date`,`league_dates`.`start_date`,`league_dates`.`end_date`,`league_dates`.`draft_date` FROM `league_seasons` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`league_seasons`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`league_seasons`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_dates` ON (`league_seasons`.`season_id` = `league_dates`.`season_id`) WHERE `league_seasons`.`league_id` = '7' and `league_seasons`.`season_id` = '73' ORDER BY `league_dates`.`start_date` ASC

QUERY(0.2239ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.18ms) - SELECT `photographers`,`payment_terms`,`payment_type`,`package_pricing`,`min_deposit` FROM `league_custom_content` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.2029ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `allow_couples`,`disable_standings`,`type`,`groups`,`group_size`,`divisions`,`schedule_type`,`allow_alts`,`show_schedule_level` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.257ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

QUERY(0.1712ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `enabled` FROM `league_merch` WHERE `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.2739ms) - SELECT count(player_id) AS `player`,`coach` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`='232' && `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.195ms) - SELECT `league_id`,`season_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `team_id`=232

QUERY(0.4389ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.*,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id`) AS `teams` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`leagues`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`leagues`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`leagues`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) WHERE `leagues`.`league_id` = '7' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.19ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.3889ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_seasons`.*,`league_seasons`.`url` AS season_url,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,`league_dates`.`reg_date`,`league_dates`.`reg_end_date`,`league_dates`.`start_date`,`league_dates`.`end_date`,`league_dates`.`draft_date` FROM `league_seasons` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`league_seasons`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`league_seasons`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_dates` ON (`league_seasons`.`season_id` = `league_dates`.`season_id`) WHERE `league_seasons`.`league_id` = '7' and `league_seasons`.`season_id` = '73' ORDER BY `league_dates`.`start_date` ASC

QUERY(0.2098ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.1719ms) - SELECT `photographers`,`payment_terms`,`payment_type`,`package_pricing`,`min_deposit` FROM `league_custom_content` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1979ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `allow_couples`,`disable_standings`,`type`,`groups`,`group_size`,`divisions`,`schedule_type`,`allow_alts`,`show_schedule_level` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.186ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

QUERY(0.1769ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `enabled` FROM `league_merch` WHERE `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1378ms) - SELECT `img_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=6542

QUERY(0.1218ms) - select SQL_CACHE codename,classname,scriptname from modules WHERE `id`='5'

QUERY(0.15ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.154ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1431ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.155ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.186ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.175ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.1709ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.1521ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.16ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.128ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.128ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='triumphs'

QUERY(0.1271ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM triumphs_config

QUERY(0.315ms) - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches'

QUERY(0.488ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.*,(SELECT COUNT(`team_id`) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id`) AS `leagues`,`photo`.`thumb_url` AS `thumb`,`photo`.`img_url` AS `large`,`photo`.`title` AS `alt`,`leagues`.`name`,`teams_players`.`player_id`,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`gamephoto`.`img_url` AS `gameimage` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` AS `gamephoto` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `gamephoto`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`url` = 'snitches-get-pitches' GROUP BY `teams`.`team_id`

QUERY(0.211ms) - SELECT `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.2139ms) - SELECT `team_id`, `league_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id` = 0 AND `season_id` = 0 AND `team_id` = 232 LIMIT 1

QUERY(0.1509ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.1321ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.226ms) - SELECT count(player_id) AS `player`,`coach` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`='232' && `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.201ms) - SELECT `league_id`,`season_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `team_id`=232

QUERY(0.387ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.*,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id`) AS `teams` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`leagues`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`leagues`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`leagues`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) WHERE `leagues`.`league_id` = '7' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.181ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.3419ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_seasons`.*,`league_seasons`.`url` AS season_url,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,`league_dates`.`reg_date`,`league_dates`.`reg_end_date`,`league_dates`.`start_date`,`league_dates`.`end_date`,`league_dates`.`draft_date` FROM `league_seasons` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`league_seasons`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`league_seasons`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_dates` ON (`league_seasons`.`season_id` = `league_dates`.`season_id`) WHERE `league_seasons`.`league_id` = '7' and `league_seasons`.`season_id` = '73' ORDER BY `league_dates`.`start_date` ASC

QUERY(0.1879ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.164ms) - SELECT `photographers`,`payment_terms`,`payment_type`,`package_pricing`,`min_deposit` FROM `league_custom_content` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1709ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `allow_couples`,`disable_standings`,`type`,`groups`,`group_size`,`divisions`,`schedule_type`,`allow_alts`,`show_schedule_level` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1829ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=7 && `season_id`=73 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

QUERY(0.18ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `enabled` FROM `league_merch` WHERE `season_id`=73 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1519ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.155ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1819ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.159ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.174ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.1619ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.428ms) - SELECT count(player_id) AS `player`,`coach` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`='' && `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.241ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_footers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:49:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:49:%') ) ORDER BY `id` ASC