This event has reached capacity.

Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Ultra Draft

League Jane Ultra Draft

Event: August Indy Draft (Other Events)
Sport: Softball
Event Director
Indy Sports Park
Indianapolis, IN
Registration Deadline
Sun, Aug 4


This event has reached capacity.

Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /home/leaguejo_dev/public_html/templates/lj/modules/league/schedule.php on line 26


Friday - LIVE Draft, Meet and Greet, Home Run Derby
7:00pm - Indy Sports Park

For most of us, we never got to experience the thrill of being drafted. We're going to change that, with a LIVE DRAFT on the fields that will allow you to hear your name called up to the big stage! With our salary cap system throwing curveballs at the coaches, players can be drafted at any time which means some of our newer players will go in early rounds, and some of the most experienced players could fall to the bottom! Once you hear your name, head to the field to meet your team, snap a photo, and get your jersey!

Fun Prizes Available for Participants

Best Dressed
On the big stage, you need to make a BIG statement. The best dressed player will receive a League Jane prize pack!

Bingo Bonus Balls
Before the draft begins, we will draw numbers representing picks in the draft. Numbers will spread from round 1 all the way to round 12 and whoever is picked at that slot will receive a League Jane Prize Pack.

Missus Irrelevant
There's no shame in being drafted last, and in some cases - it can be rewarding! In the NFL, it is tradition that the last player of the draft (Mr Irrelevant) receives a big prize package, and here we're no different. Ms Irrelevant (the last player drafted in attendance) will receive a brand new bat from Miken/Easton/Worth!

Get Social Before the Draft

Part of the fun of drafts is chatting with your fellow competitors before you arrive, so you know where to meet and link up. In lieu of team chats, we have created a Facebook event with a live chat for all of our players to join and chat with one another! Find new friends and sit together as you learn which team you land on!

Join the League Jane Event

Home Run Derby

$20 Entry, 10 Pitches & 8 Swings from 2nd Base. With 20+ entries, prize is a NIW Miken/Easton/Worth bat.

Skills Challenge

It's like top golf for softballers! If you have always been about placement and not power, this is the event for you!

$20 Entry, 10 Pitches & 8 Swings. With 20+ entries, prize is a NIW Miken/Easton/Worth bat.

Saturday - Play Ball

Games will start at 9am with three pool play games followed by a double elimination bracket. With turf fields, play will continue all day - rain or shine - until we complete the tournament.


Bad-ass Women have a long history with League Joe. Over 10 years ago, Kailly Jo was the first number 1 overall pick in League Joe history! And yes, they did win the ship that year!

Draft Timing

Draft will begin at 7pm at Indy Sports Park. Attendance not mandatory, but encouraged! All players must be paid prior to the draft, or they will not be selected.

$5 Daily Gate Fee - Cash Only Please


Photos by Locked Lens Photography.

Book Your Tourney Photos!


Round 1
August 03, 2024

9:00am EDT
5  -  16
Field 1
9:00am EDT
12  -  8
Field 2
9:00am EDT
8  -  16
Field 3
10:00am EDT
9  -  15
Field 1
10:00am EDT
11  -  3
Field 2
11:00am EDT
20  -  8
Field 1
11:00am EDT
1  -  10
Field 2
12:00pm EDT
11  -  12
Field 1
12:00pm EDT
8  -  7
Field 2

Double Elim Bracket

106 245

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SQL Queries

Total Queries: 115
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Avg Execution Time:0.23522260869565ms

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QUERY(0.1509ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=106 && `season_id`=245 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

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QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT count(`league_id`) FROM `league_players` WHERE `player_id`=''

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QUERY(0.1099ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.1109ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.2041ms) - SELECT `company`.*,`img_url` FROM `company` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`company`.`logo_onwhite` WHERE `company_id`=1

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QUERY(0.1531ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.0849ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.0842ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.1309ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.1159ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1209ms) - SELECT `hall_of_fame` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.155ms) - SELECT * FROM `league_notices` WHERE `league_id`=106 && `season_id`=245

QUERY(0.1211ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.1011ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.083ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.103ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.092ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.2079ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0842ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.108ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='challonge'

QUERY(0.1259ms) - SELECT `standing_id` FROM `standings_composite` WHERE `season_id`=245

QUERY(0.1371ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `competition_type` FROM `league_seasons` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245'

QUERY(1.601ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`standings`.`forfeits`,`standings`.`forfeit_wins`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) INNER JOIN league_teams ON (`league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `league_teams`.`league_id`='106' && `league_teams`.`season_id`='245') WHERE `teams`.`approved` = '1' and `teams`.`active` = '1' and `teams`.`personal` = '0' and `standings`.`league_id` = '106' and `standings`.`season_id` = '245' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`standings`.`pts_diff` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc,`standings`.`forfeits` asc

QUERY(0.138ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `competition_type` FROM `league_seasons` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245'

QUERY(1.6742ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`standings`.`forfeits`,`standings`.`forfeit_wins`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) INNER JOIN league_teams ON (`league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `league_teams`.`league_id`='106' && `league_teams`.`season_id`='245') WHERE `teams`.`approved` = '1' and `teams`.`active` = '1' and `teams`.`personal` = '0' and `standings`.`league_id` = '106' and `standings`.`season_id` = '245' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`standings`.`pts_diff` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc,`standings`.`forfeits` asc

QUERY(0.1791ms) - SELECT * FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=106 && `season_id`=245

QUERY(0.107ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.097ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.236ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='1'

QUERY(1.343ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=1 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`='1'

QUERY(0.1309ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='2'

QUERY(0.8121ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=2 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.119ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`='1'

QUERY(0.149ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='3'

QUERY(0.4418ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=3 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.1218ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`='1'

QUERY(0.1261ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='4'

QUERY(0.3979ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=4 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.0932ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`=''

QUERY(0.18ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='5'

QUERY(0.361ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=5 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.1311ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`=''

QUERY(0.1321ms) - SELECT `accomplishment_id` FROM `league_results` WHERE `league_id`='106' && `season_id`='245' && `ranking`='6'

QUERY(0.2451ms) - SELECT `fullname`,`teams`.`url`,`triumphs_awarded`.*,`photo`.`img_url` FROM `triumphs_awarded` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `picture_id`=`photo_id` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `triumphs_awarded`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `triumphs_awarded`.`season_id`='245' && `finish_rank`=6 ORDER BY `date` DESC

QUERY(0.1059ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`name` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`logo_id` WHERE `sports`.`sport_id`=''

QUERY(0.263ms) - SELECT * FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `season_id`=245

QUERY(0.1171ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.0701ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.118ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0951ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0899ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.092ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT `schedule_description` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `season_id`=245

QUERY(0.9019ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `games_rounds`.`description`,`games_rounds`.`round`,`games_rounds`.`preseason`,`games_rounds`.`playoff`,`games_rounds`.`rainout`,`games_rounds`.`round_date`,`games_rounds`.`season_id`,`games_rounds`.`cancellation`,`games_rounds`.`event_id`,`games`.`game_id`,`games`.`url`,`games`.`home_team_id`,`games`.`away_team_id`,`games`.`home_points`,`games`.`away_points`,`games`.`start_date`,`games`.`start_datetime`,`games`.`field`,`games`.`venue_id`,`games`.`scrimmage`,`games`.`conflict`,`games`.`sport_id`,`games`.`cancelled`,`games`.`forfeited`,`games`.`round_id`,`games`.`time`,`games`.`rainout` AS `game_rainout` FROM `games_rounds` LEFT JOIN `games` ON (`games_rounds`.`round_id` = `games`.`round_id`) WHERE `games`.`league_id` = '106' and `games`.`season_id` = '245' ORDER BY `games_rounds`.`round_date` asc,`games`.`time` asc,`games`.`field` asc,`games`.`start_datetime` asc

QUERY(0.0868ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.0701ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.0899ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.0739ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.0789ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='events'

QUERY(0.0799ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM events_config

QUERY(0.0949ms) - SELECT `zone_name` FROM `zone` WHERE `zone_id` = 1026

QUERY(0.8421ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1192' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.7219ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1188' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.0901ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0861ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(1.0679ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1189' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.8271ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1195' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.107ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.093ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.6771ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1193' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.7021ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,(SELECT SUM(`s`.`wins`+`s`.`losses`+`s`.`ties`) as `gamesplayed` FROM `standings` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`team_id`=`standings`.`team_id`) AS `gamesplayed`,`standings`.`wins`,`standings`.`losses`,`standings`.`ties`,`standings`.`games_back`,`standings`.`points_for`,`standings`.`points_against`,`standings`.`streak`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`league_groups_teams`.`group_id` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `standings` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `standings`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_groups_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_groups_teams`.`team_id`) WHERE `teams`.`team_id` = '1194' ORDER BY `standings`.`wins` desc,`standings`.`ties` desc,`gamesplayed` desc,`standings`.`points_for` desc,`standings`.`points_against` asc

QUERY(0.0849ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.098ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0839ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.087ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0761ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0691ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0899ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0801ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0961ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.107ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.0839ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0799ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.092ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='games'

QUERY(0.0751ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM games_config

QUERY(0.1829ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_footers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:57:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:57:%') ) ORDER BY `id` ASC