Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in
/home/leaguejo_dev/public_html/modules/teams/teams_class.php on line
Total Results: 10
Drag right/left to scroll table
Name | Hitting
| Slugging
| Outfield Defense
| Infield Defense
| Speed
| Arm Strength
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[team_id] => 166
[sport_id] => 1
[league_id] => 7
[division_id] =>
[wins] => 0
[losses] => 0
[wins_all] => 0
[losses_all] => 0
[fullname] => We here to party
[shortname] => We here to part
[abbr] =>
[fullmascot] =>
[shortmascot] =>
[url] => we-here-to-party
[logo_id] => 690
[court_id] => 0
[color_id] => 0
[max_roster_size] => 15
[gallery_id] => 446
[approved] => 1
[active] => 1
[current_roster_size] => 12
[owner_id] => 683
[public] => 1
[chat_room_id] => 0
[personal] => 0
[deleted] => 0
[invite_code] =>
[featured_bg] => 6542
[color_id_2] =>
[color_id_3] =>
[description] =>
[shirt_color] =>
[jersey_img] => 0
[jersey_img_away] => 0
[leagues] => 1
[thumb] => /files/gallery/misc/thumbs/party_recjoe1530630108.jpg
[large] => /files/gallery/misc/party_recjoe1530630108.jpg
[alt] => We here to party Logo
[name] => We here to party
[sport_name] => Softball
[sport_icon] => fa-regular fa-baseball-bat-ball
[sport_url] => softball
[gameimage] =>
[roster] => 1
[group_type] => teams
[link] => /team/we-here-to-party/
[image] => Array
[id] => we-here-to-party
[thumb] => /files/gallery/misc/thumbs/party_recjoe1530630108.jpg
[large] => /files/gallery/misc/party_recjoe1530630108.jpg
[alt] => We here to party Logo
[link] => /team/we-here-to-party/
[label] => team
[tools] => Array
[score] =>
[homelink] => /team/we-here-to-party/
[homelink_type] => teams
[featured_bg_img] => https://leaguejoe.com/files/gallery/misc/default-green_recjoe1704996203.webp
[perm_team_level] => 0
[perm_team_name] => Guest
[perm_team_score] => 0
[score] => 0
[games] => 19
[sponsors] => 0
[reports] => 10