Array ( [team_id] => 1208 [sport_id] => 1 [league_id] => [division_id] => [wins] => 0 [losses] => 0 [wins_all] => 0 [losses_all] => 0 [fullname] => Thunderstruck [shortname] => [abbr] => [fullmascot] => [shortmascot] => [url] => thunderstruck-softball-1723032164 [logo_id] => 11244 [court_id] => 0 [color_id] => #9b52f4 [max_roster_size] => 15 [gallery_id] => 0 [approved] => 1 [active] => 1 [current_roster_size] => 2 [owner_id] => 1586 [public] => 1 [chat_room_id] => 0 [personal] => 0 [deleted] => 0 [invite_code] => [featured_bg] => 11245 [color_id_2] => #aaa4cc [color_id_3] => #ffffff [description] => <p>We are Thunderstruck, a Coed and Women's C and D team sponsored by Holder Bedding!</p><p><img style="width:712.8px;" src="" alt="thunder_recjoe1725733670.jpg" /></p> [shirt_color] => [jersey_img] => 12422 [jersey_img_away] => 0 [leagues] => 0 [thumb] => /files/gallery/misc/thumbs/thunderlogo_recjoe1723033168.jpg [large] => /files/gallery/misc/thunderlogo_recjoe1723033168.jpg [alt] => League [name] => Thunderstruck [sport_name] => Softball [sport_icon] => fa-regular fa-baseball-bat-ball [sport_url] => softball [gameimage] => [roster] => 1 [group_type] => teams [link] => /team/thunderstruck-softball-1723032164/ [image] => Array ( [id] => thunderstruck-softball-1723032164 [thumb] => /files/gallery/misc/thumbs/thunderlogo_recjoe1723033168.jpg [large] => /files/gallery/misc/thunderlogo_recjoe1723033168.jpg [alt] => League [link] => /team/thunderstruck-softball-1723032164/ ) [label] => team [tools] => Array ( [score] => [homelink] => /team/thunderstruck-softball-1723032164/ [homelink_type] => teams ) [featured_bg_img] => [perm_team_level] => 0 [perm_team_name] => Guest [perm_team_score] => 0 [score] => 0 [products] => 7 [games] => 0 [sponsors] => 1 [reports] => 0 )