Limp Bizkit Circa 2000


Team Roster


High Game
High Series



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        [wins] => 0
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        [fullname] => Limp Bizkit Circa 2000
        [shortname] => Limp Bizkit Cir
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        [invite_code] => 
        [featured_bg] => 6542
        [color_id_2] => 
        [color_id_3] => 
        [description] => 
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        [city] => 
        [state] => 
        [created] => 2025-01-02 13:16:54
        [updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
        [leagues] => Beer and Besties Bowling - Winter 2022
        [thumb] => /files/gallery/misc/thumbs/200_recjoe1637194963.gif
        [large] => /files/gallery/misc/200_recjoe1637194963.gif
        [alt] => Limp Bizkit Circa 2000  Logo
        [name] => Limp Bizkit Circa 2000
        [sport_name] => Bowling
        [sport_icon] => fa-regular fa-bowling-ball-pin
        [sport_url] => bowling
        [gameimage] => 
        [roster] => 1
        [coaches] => 1
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        [group_type] => teams
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                [homelink_type] => teams
        [featured_bg_img] =>
        [settings] => 
        [merch_settings] => 
        [perm_team_level] => 0
        [perm_team_name] => Guest
        [perm_team_score] => 0
        [score] => 0
        [games] => 0
        [sponsors] => 0
        [reports] => 2
    PEAK MEMORY: 12.35 MiB

    Debug Information

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    SQL Queries

    Total Queries: 131
    Total Execution Time: 24.9513ms
    Avg Execution Time:0.1904679389313ms

    QUERY(1.193ms) - INSERT INTO security_log (domain,username, log_date, log_time, method, page, ip, address, browser, getvars, postvars, sessionvars,badlogin,userlogin,timestamp) VALUES ('','','2025-01-31', '06:43:25', 'GET', '/team/limp-bizkit-circa-2000/', '', '' ,'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;', '', '','OXoxRVZMVjQ4WTB4djhqV3ZoeDVtblpoN1hrL0hkTEp1M0toVlNEamZheXlkd252SFRGaHZqTlBTbkJUSkNRdzlxNmV5STMwZ1hURGtSYWZHZFZPUmhXeWlWSUprZTdFSHZJTlRWemYxUFNSSEJlVUYrSlpYdXNWdzdTajV6OFo=','0','','1738305805') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ip`=`ip`

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    QUERY(0.1209ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_settings` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.17ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_merch_settings` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.1729ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `teams_cache` WHERE `team_id`=258 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE) LIMIT 0,1

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    QUERY(0.1001ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

    QUERY(0.082ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

    QUERY(0.118ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

    QUERY(0.0789ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

    QUERY(0.17ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

    QUERY(0.1161ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

    QUERY(0.0961ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

    QUERY(0.1061ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

    QUERY(0.098ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

    QUERY(0.0889ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

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    QUERY(0.3021ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE tp.access,u.username,u.user_url, AS level FROM `teams_players` tp INNER JOIN `users` u ON INNER JOIN `teams_levels` tl ON tp.access=tl.level_id INNER JOIN `teams_levels` ON tp.`access`=`teams_levels`.`level_id` WHERE tp.`team_id`='258' && `teams_levels`.`score`>=40 GROUP BY

    QUERY(0.1781ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.`tournament`,`leagues`.`name`,`leagues`.`url`,`league_seasons`.`url` AS `season_url`,`league_seasons`.`name` AS `season_name` FROM `league_teams` INNER JOIN `leagues` ON `league_teams`.`league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id` INNER JOIN `league_seasons` ON `league_teams`.`season_id`=`league_seasons`.`season_id` WHERE `team_id`='258' GROUP BY `league_teams`.`team_id` LIMIT 0,3

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    QUERY(0.0949ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `img_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=6542 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.0811ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_settings` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.0932ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_merch_settings` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.1311ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `teams_cache` WHERE `team_id`=258 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE) LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.0939ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_merch_settings` WHERE `team_id`=258 LIMIT 0,1

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    QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT COUNT(`sponsor_id`) FROM `teams_sponsors` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.639ms) - SELECT COUNT(`player_id`) FROM `teams_players_scouting_reports` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.0989ms) - INSERT INTO `teams_cache` (`team_id`,`products`,`sponsors`,`reports`) VALUES ('258',0,0,2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `team_id`='258',`products`=0,`sponsors`=0,`reports`=2

    QUERY(0.0892ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_privacy` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.1061ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

    QUERY(0.083ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

    QUERY(0.128ms) - SELECT `league_id`,`season_id` FROM `league_teams` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.2348ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.*,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`photo`.`img_url`,`photo`.`photo_id` AS `league_logo_id`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id`) AS `teams` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`leagues`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`leagues`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`leagues`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) WHERE `leagues`.`league_id` = '53' LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1271ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=8

    QUERY(0.2759ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_seasons`.*,`league_seasons`.`url` AS season_url,`photo`.`img_url`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,`league_dates`.`reg_date`,`league_dates`.`reg_end_date`,`league_dates`.`start_date`,`league_dates`.`end_date`,`league_dates`.`draft_date`,`league_dates`.`manual_date_display` FROM `league_seasons` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`league_seasons`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`league_seasons`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_dates` ON (`league_seasons`.`season_id` = `league_dates`.`season_id`) WHERE `league_seasons`.`league_id` = '53' and `league_seasons`.`season_id` = '77' ORDER BY `league_dates`.`start_date` ASC

    QUERY(0.129ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=8

    QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT COUNT(order_id) FROM products_purchased WHERE season_id=77

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    QUERY(0.134ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `allow_couples`,`disable_standings`,`type`,`groups`,`group_size`,`divisions`,`schedule_type`,`allow_alts`,`show_schedule_level` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=53 && `season_id`=77 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.144ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=53 && `season_id`=77 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

    QUERY(0.1431ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1009ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`company_id`) FROM `league_company_links` WHERE `league_id`='53' && (`season_id`='77' || `season_id`=0)

    QUERY(0.1411ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`update_id`) FROM `league_updates` WHERE `league_id`='53' && (`season_id`='77' || `season_id`=0)

    QUERY(0.0951ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`conference_id`) FROM `league_conferences` WHERE (`league_id`=53 && `season_id`=0) || `season_id`='77'

    QUERY(0.5169ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`league_players_id`) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' &&`league_levels`.`score`>2 && `deleted`=0 && `alternate`=0

    QUERY(0.391ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`league_players_id`) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' && (`league_players`.`paid`=1||`league_players`.`moretime`=1) &&`league_levels`.`score`>2 && `deleted`=0 && `alternate`=0

    QUERY(0.572ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`league_players_id`) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' && `league_players`.`paid`=0 && `league_players`.`moretime`=1 &&`league_levels`.`score`>2 && `deleted`=0 && `alternate`=0

    QUERY(0.304ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`league_players_id`) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' && `league_players`.`paid`=1 && `league_levels`.`score`>2 && `deleted`=0 && `alternate`=0

    QUERY(0.2191ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(DISTINCT(`league_players`.`player_id`)) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' &&`league_players`.`access`=4 && `deleted`=0 && `alternate`=0

    QUERY(0.3011ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`league_players_id`) FROM `league_players` INNER JOIN `league_levels` ON `league_players`.`access`=`league_levels`.`level_id` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77' &&`league_levels`.`score`>2 && `quit`=0 && `alternate`=1

    QUERY(0.159ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`season_id`) FROM `league_seasons_rules` WHERE `league_id`='53' || `season_id`='77' ORDER BY `season_id` DESC

    QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`sponsor_id`) FROM `league_sponsors` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77'

    QUERY(0.102ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`product_id`) FROM `products` WHERE `season_id`='77'

    QUERY(0.17ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`season_id`) FROM `league_seasons` WHERE `league_id`='53'

    QUERY(0.103ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `group_id` FROM `league_groups` WHERE `league_id`=53&&`season_id`=77 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1729ms) - SELECT `game_id` FROM `games` WHERE `league_id`=53&&`season_id`=77&&`playoff`=1 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT `season_id` FROM `league_custom_content` WHERE `prizes` IS NOT NULL&&`season_id`=77 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1881ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_teams`.`team_id` FROM `league_teams` INNER JOIN `teams` ON `league_teams`.`team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` WHERE `league_teams`.`league_id`='53' && `league_teams`.`season_id`='77' && `teams`.`personal`=0 && `teams`.`deleted`=0 GROUP BY `league_teams`.`team_id`

    QUERY(0.165ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `league_id`='53' && `season_id`='77'

    QUERY(0.1318ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.`max_players` AS `league_max`, `league_seasons`.`max_players` AS `season_max` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `league_seasons` ON `leagues`.`league_id`=`league_seasons`.`league_id` WHERE `leagues`.`league_id`='53' && `league_seasons`.`season_id`='77'

    QUERY(0.108ms) - SELECT `allow_hotelpage` FROM `league_hotel_settings` WHERE `league_id`=53 && `season_id`=77 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.103ms) - SELECT allow_hotelpage FROM `league_hotel_settings` WHERE `league_id`=53 && `season_id`=77

    QUERY(1.004ms) - INSERT INTO `league_cache` (`league_id`,`season_id`,`articles`,`participants`,`conferences`,`registered`,`players`,`moretime`,`paid`,`coaches`,`subs`,`rules`,`teams`,`games`,`groups`,`divisions`,`seasons`,`sponsors`,`products`,`prizes`,`triumphs`,`hotels`,`is_full`,`companies`,`reg_is_open`,`updated`,`show_playoff_menu`) VALUES ('53','77','1',0,0,'42',0,0,0,0,'3','1','11',0,0,0,'3',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,NOW(),0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `league_id`='53',`season_id`='77',`articles`='1',`participants`=0,`conferences`=0,`registered`='42',`players`=0,`moretime`=0,`paid`=0,`coaches`=0,`subs`='3',`rules`='1',`teams`='11',`games`=0,`groups`=0,`divisions`=0,`seasons`='3',`sponsors`=0,`products`=0,`prizes`=0,`triumphs`=0,`hotels`=0,`is_full`=0,`companies`=0,`reg_is_open`=0,`updated`=NOW(),`show_playoff_menu`=0

    QUERY(0.1149ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `enabled` FROM `league_merch` WHERE `season_id`=77 LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.246ms) - SELECT count(player_id) AS `player`,`coach`,`access`,`team_player_id` AS `tpi` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`='258' && `player_id`='' && `quit`=0 ORDER BY `season_id` DESC

    QUERY(0.108ms) - select SQL_CACHE codename,classname,scriptname from modules WHERE `id`='5'

    QUERY(0.103ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

    QUERY(0.1009ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

    QUERY(0.097ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

    QUERY(0.104ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

    QUERY(0.1531ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

    QUERY(0.1109ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

    QUERY(0.0989ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

    QUERY(0.0908ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

    QUERY(0.133ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

    QUERY(0.078ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

    QUERY(0.0899ms) - SELECT * FROM `teams_privacy` WHERE `team_id`=258

    QUERY(0.113ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='sports'

    QUERY(0.1001ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM sports_config

    QUERY(0.097ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

    QUERY(0.0861ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

    QUERY(0.1149ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

    QUERY(0.1252ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

    QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT `position_id`,UPPER(`abbr`) AS `abbr` FROM `sports_positions` WHERE `sport_id`=8

    QUERY(0.104ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `competition_type` FROM `league_seasons` WHERE `league_id`='' && `season_id`=''

    QUERY(0.1979ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`personal`,`teams`.`owner_id`,(SELECT `player_id` FROM `teams_players` WHERE `team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `access`=4 LIMIT 0,1) AS `coach_id`,`league_teams`.`league_teams_id`,`league_teams`.`league_id`,`league_teams`.`season_id`,`league_teams`.`ready`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`username`,`users`.`first_name`,`users`.`last_name`,`photo`.`thumb_url` FROM `teams` INNER JOIN `league_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_teams`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) WHERE `teams`.`approved` = '1' and `teams`.`active` = '1' and `league_teams`.`deleted` != '1' and `teams`.`personal` = '1' and `league_teams`.`league_id` = NULL and `league_teams`.`season_id` = NULL ORDER BY `teams`.`fullname` desc

    QUERY(0.67ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `users`.`rookie`,`users`.`id`,`users`.`username`,`users`.`first_name`,`users`.`last_name`,`users`.`avatar_id`,`users`.`gender`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`level`,`users`.`confirmed`,`users`.`phone_number`,`users`.`email`,`users`.`approved`,`users`.`noemail`,`teams_players`.`player_id`,`teams_players`.`alternate`,`teams_players`.`coach`,`teams_players`.`paid`,`teams_players`.`couple`,`teams_players`.`couple_uname`,`teams_players`.`first_name` AS `manual_first_name`,`teams_players`.`last_name` AS `manual_last_name`,`teams_players`.`email` AS `manual_email`,(SELECT `injury` FROM `sports_positions` INNER JOIN `sports_positions_link` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `sports_positions_link`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` && `sports_positions_link`.`primary`=1 && `sports_positions`.`sport_id`=8 ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1) AS `injury`,(SELECT `abbr` FROM `sports_positions` INNER JOIN `sports_positions_link` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `sports_positions_link`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` && `sports_positions_link`.`primary`=1 && `sports_positions`.`sport_id`=8 ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1) AS `primary`,(SELECT `abbr` FROM `sports_positions` INNER JOIN `sports_positions_link` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `sports_positions_link`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` && `sports_positions_link`.`primary`=2 && `sports_positions`.`sport_id`=8 ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1) AS `secondary`,(SELECT `abbr` FROM `sports_positions` INNER JOIN `sports_positions_link` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `sports_positions_link`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` && `sports_positions_link`.`primary`=3 && `sports_positions`.`sport_id`=8 ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1) AS `tertiary`,(SELECT `thumb_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=`users`.`avatar_id`) AS `avatar` FROM `users` INNER JOIN `teams_players` ON (`users`.`id` = `teams_players`.`player_id`) WHERE `teams_players`.`team_id` = '258' and `teams_players`.`quit` = '0' ORDER BY `users`.`last_name` ASC LIMIT 0,500

    QUERY(0.1719ms) - SELECT * FROM `attribute` WHERE `sport_id`=8 ORDER BY `fieldorder` ASC

    QUERY(0.0999ms) - SELECT `name`,`abbr` FROM `sports_positions` WHERE `sport_id`=1

    QUERY(0.2749ms) - SELECT `player_id` AS coach_id,`team_id`,`users`.`username`,`users`.`user_url`,`img_url` FROM `teams_players` INNER JOIN `users` ON `player_id`=`id` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo_id`=`avatar_id` WHERE `teams_players`.`team_id`=258 && (`coach`=1 || `access`=4 || `access`=5 || `access`=6) ORDER BY `access` DESC

    QUERY(0.1259ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

    QUERY(0.088ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

    QUERY(0.294ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `users`.*,`cart_customers`.`customer_id` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `users_profile` ON `users_profile`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` LEFT JOIN `cart_customers` ON `cart_customers`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` WHERE `users`.`user_url`='smitty' LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.0839ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`thumb_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=5790

    QUERY(0.16ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `userprofiles_cache` WHERE `user_id`=9 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE)

    QUERY(0.1369ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

    QUERY(0.123ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

    QUERY(0.1829ms) - SELECT * FROM `users_sizing` WHERE `user_id`=9 && (`sport_id`=8 || `sport_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id` DESC, `sport_id` DESC

    QUERY(0.2398ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=9 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=8 && `primary`=1 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1462ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=9 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=8 && `primary`=2 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.1431ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=9 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=8 && `primary`=3 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

    QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=0

    QUERY(0.1991ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code`,`name` FROM `page_footers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:49:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:49:%') ) ORDER BY `sort` ASC