

Indianapolis, IN

Softball Skills Profile

Softball Skill Ratings






Outfield Defense


Infield Defense




Arm Strength

Coach Review History

Date Coach Team HittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series - Cincinnati 2024
Team Dean
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Indianapolis Ultra Draft - National Championship - Sept
The Mothership
Virginia Beach Ultra Draft - Virginia Beach Ultra Draft
Beach Ballers
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2023
The A Team
ISP Southside Draft League - Summer 2023
Quack Hackers
River City Ultra Draft - June 2023
Island of Misfit Toys
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2023
The A Team
05/31/23LJ AdminAdmin Adjustment
ISP Southside Draft League - Spring 2023
Best BJs on Turf
Rawlings Ultra Draft - Dalton, GA 2023
Brew Crew
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2021
Master Batters
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2019
Bop It
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer 2018
We here to party
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2018
06/27/17Disturbed Garza
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2017
Hot Peffercorners
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer 2016
Hit for Brains
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2016
9 Sluggers and an Asian
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer Draft League
9 Sluggers and an Asian

Contact Player

You must be registered with League Joe in order to send messages through our system. Please sign up for an account here, it's free!


Sign in with your username or email address
Min 8 characters with mix of letters and numbers

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No Account? Register Here.

Competitions Player is In

Teams Player is In

SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2019
Ryan Hobson12 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Session 1 2020 League Joe Draft League
Dise McParadise11 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2021
Matt Andy11 - 1
VolleyballIndoor Draft Volleyball Social League
Indoor Draft Volleyball Social League
Dawn Codozor10 - 6
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
The Janes Fall 24
Jennifer Harris10 - 4
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2023
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2018
Michael Bevard10 - 4
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2022
Mark Garza9 - 7
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2017
Mark Garza8 - 8
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Session 2 2020 LeagueJoe Draft League
Matt Andy7 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2021
TC Lenz7 - 9
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2019
Rachel Wilbur7 - 7
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2021
Luis Gierbolini7 - 9
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2018
Kailly Stanich6 - 10
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2017
Dawn Codozor6 - 8
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2018
James Hanes5 - 5
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Summer 24
Ali Massaro4 - 8
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Fall 24
Matt Gard3 - 1
SoftballIndianapolis Ultra Draft
National Championship - Sept
Dawn Codozor3 - 0
SoftballIndianapolis Ultra Draft
Greatest Hits 2024
Matt Gard2 - 1
SoftballNew Orleans Ultra Draft
February 2023
Dawn Codozor2 - 3
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2022
Robert Harris2 - 11
SoftballVirginia Beach Ultra Draft
Virginia Beach Ultra Draft
Herb Diaz1 - 3
SoftballMidwest Slowpitch
Spring 2024
Zachary Howard1 - 9
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
The Janes Fall 24
Courtney Willage1 - 13
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Dawn Codozor1 - 0
SoftballLeague Jane Ultra Draft
March Indy Draft
Jenna Szabo1 - 2
SoftballLeague Jane Ultra Draft
August Indy Draft
Danielle Nielsen1 - 2
SoftballNew Orleans Ultra Draft
Mardi Gras 2024
Herb Diaz0 - 3
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Spring 2023
Paula Stallings
BowlingBeer, Besties, & Bowling
Beer, Besties, & Bowling
Dawn Codozor
BowlingBeer and Besties Bowling
Winter 2022
Dawn Codozor
SoftballRawlings Ultra Draft
Dalton, GA 2023
Thanh Brewer0 - 3
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
St. Louis 2024
Dawn Codozor
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Summer Session 2
Herb Diaz
SoftballRiver City Ultra Draft
June 2023
Kim Tex
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Melissa Schwery0 - 1
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Jason Koehl0 - 1
BowlingBeer and Besties Bowling
Winter 2022
Mike OMalley
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2022
Tim Rogers
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Summer 2 Draft 2022
Nicole Denton
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Summer 2023
Jason Koehl
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
Dalton 2024
Ethan James
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
Summer Draft 2 2022
Ashley Barton
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
ISP Southside Draft Volleyball League Summer 23
Robert Brenchley
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
Spring 2023
Kate Brenchley
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
Cincinnati 2024
Dean gjivovich
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2017
Dawn Codozor0 - 10
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Benjamin Sandoval

Softball Skills Profile

Softball Skill Ratings






Outfield Defense


Infield Defense




Arm Strength

Coach Review History

Date Coach Team HittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series - Cincinnati 2024
Team Dean
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Indianapolis Ultra Draft - National Championship - Sept
The Mothership
Virginia Beach Ultra Draft - Virginia Beach Ultra Draft
Beach Ballers
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2023
The A Team
ISP Southside Draft League - Summer 2023
Quack Hackers
River City Ultra Draft - June 2023
Island of Misfit Toys
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2023
The A Team
05/31/23LJ AdminAdmin Adjustment
ISP Southside Draft League - Spring 2023
Best BJs on Turf
Rawlings Ultra Draft - Dalton, GA 2023
Brew Crew
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2021
Master Batters
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2019
Bop It
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer 2018
We here to party
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2018
06/27/17Disturbed Garza
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2017
Hot Peffercorners
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer 2016
Hit for Brains
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2016
9 Sluggers and an Asian
LeagueJoe Draft League - Summer Draft League
9 Sluggers and an Asian

Contact Player

You must be registered with League Joe in order to send messages through our system. Please sign up for an account here, it's free!

Competitions Player is In

Teams Player is In

SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2019
Ryan Hobson12 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Session 1 2020 League Joe Draft League
Dise McParadise11 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2021
Matt Andy11 - 1
VolleyballIndoor Draft Volleyball Social League
Indoor Draft Volleyball Social League
Dawn Codozor10 - 6
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
The Janes Fall 24
Jennifer Harris10 - 4
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2023
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2018
Michael Bevard10 - 4
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2022
Mark Garza9 - 7
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2017
Mark Garza8 - 8
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Session 2 2020 LeagueJoe Draft League
Matt Andy7 - 5
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2021
TC Lenz7 - 9
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2019
Rachel Wilbur7 - 7
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2021
Luis Gierbolini7 - 9
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2018
Kailly Stanich6 - 10
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Summer 2017
Dawn Codozor6 - 8
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2018
James Hanes5 - 5
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Summer 24
Ali Massaro4 - 8
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Fall 24
Matt Gard3 - 1
SoftballIndianapolis Ultra Draft
National Championship - Sept
Dawn Codozor3 - 0
SoftballIndianapolis Ultra Draft
Greatest Hits 2024
Matt Gard2 - 1
SoftballNew Orleans Ultra Draft
February 2023
Dawn Codozor2 - 3
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Spring 2022
Robert Harris2 - 11
SoftballVirginia Beach Ultra Draft
Virginia Beach Ultra Draft
Herb Diaz1 - 3
SoftballMidwest Slowpitch
Spring 2024
Zachary Howard1 - 9
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
The Janes Fall 24
Courtney Willage1 - 13
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Dawn Codozor1 - 0
SoftballLeague Jane Ultra Draft
March Indy Draft
Jenna Szabo1 - 2
SoftballLeague Jane Ultra Draft
August Indy Draft
Danielle Nielsen1 - 2
SoftballNew Orleans Ultra Draft
Mardi Gras 2024
Herb Diaz0 - 3
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Spring 2023
Paula Stallings
BowlingBeer, Besties, & Bowling
Beer, Besties, & Bowling
Dawn Codozor
BowlingBeer and Besties Bowling
Winter 2022
Dawn Codozor
SoftballRawlings Ultra Draft
Dalton, GA 2023
Thanh Brewer0 - 3
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
St. Louis 2024
Dawn Codozor
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Summer Session 2
Herb Diaz
SoftballRiver City Ultra Draft
June 2023
Kim Tex
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Melissa Schwery0 - 1
SoftballTurf Wars
Battle for Indy 2024
Jason Koehl0 - 1
BowlingBeer and Besties Bowling
Winter 2022
Mike OMalley
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2022
Tim Rogers
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Summer 2 Draft 2022
Nicole Denton
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Summer 2023
Jason Koehl
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
Dalton 2024
Ethan James
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
Summer Draft 2 2022
Ashley Barton
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
Spring 2023
Kate Brenchley
VolleyballISP Southside Draft Volleyball
ISP Southside Draft Volleyball League Summer 23
Robert Brenchley
Softball2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
Cincinnati 2024
Dean gjivovich
SoftballLeagueJoe Draft League
Fall 2017
Dawn Codozor0 - 10
SoftballISP Southside Draft League
Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Benjamin Sandoval

Debug Information

Request Variables

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vare =

Debug Messages

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Cookie Variables

Server Variables

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SQL Queries

Total Queries: 112
Total Execution Time: 365.7655ms
Avg Execution Time:3.2657633928571ms

QUERY(1.6129ms) - INSERT INTO security_log (domain,username, log_date, log_time, method, page, ip, address, browser, getvars, postvars, sessionvars,badlogin,userlogin,timestamp) VALUES ('.netstuffersdev1.com','','2025-01-31', '07:08:18', 'GET', '/profile/dcodozor/skills/', '', 'https://netstuffersdev1.com/profile/dcodozor/skills' ,'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', '', '','OXoxRVZMVjQ4WTB4djhqV3ZoeDVtblpoN1hrL0hkTEp1M0toVlNEamZheDNSUDFpN1cxQTA4bnJEcnVySHRSVGpGOWpnMysrblRqZzllc0ZJNGQ0MVEwbGJxVGRtZlBqWi9jUUZrOGc5bDBCOUZaR1A1Y1NqOUV0UmsySXV4WUs=','0','','1738307298') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ip`=`ip`

QUERY(0.4292ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `end_timestamp` FROM `security_locks` WHERE ((`who`='' && `which`='IP'))

QUERY(0.0951ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE dest FROM redirects WHERE source = '/profile/dcodozor/skills/'

QUERY(0.1299ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='profile/dcodozor/skills' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.1171ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`light`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='profile' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.0849ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay`,`customize` FROM `pages` WHERE `id`='11'

QUERY(0.092ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.097ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.1369ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name` FROM `states` WHERE `abbr`='' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1001ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE title,metakeys,metadescript,seomodule,seotitlefield,seodescfield,seotitletable,seodesctable,urllinkfield FROM pages WHERE `id`='11' && `domain`='1'

QUERY(0.144ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_headers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:11:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:11:%') ) ORDER BY `sort` ASC

QUERY(0.073ms) - SELECT `offset` FROM `zone` WHERE `zone_name`='UTC'

QUERY(0.139ms) - SELECT count(`league_id`) FROM `league_players` WHERE `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.1209ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `block_id`,`element_id`,`function_id`,`type` FROM `blocks` WHERE `page_id`='11' ORDER BY `order` ASC

QUERY(0.123ms) - SELECT `abbr`,`name` FROM `states` WHERE `active`=1 ORDER BY `name` ASC

QUERY(0.0782ms) - select SQL_CACHE codename,classname,scriptname from modules WHERE `id`='7'

QUERY(0.0992ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.1042ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.0842ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.0739ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.217ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `users`.*,`cart_customers`.`customer_id` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `users_profile` ON `users_profile`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` LEFT JOIN `cart_customers` ON `cart_customers`.`user_id`=`users`.`id` WHERE `users`.`user_url`='dcodozor' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.0789ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`thumb_url` FROM `photo` WHERE `photo_id`=170

QUERY(0.1609ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `userprofiles_cache` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE)

QUERY(0.0899ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.0851ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.102ms) - SELECT value,text FROM userprofile_fields_initialvalues WHERE field_id = 5

QUERY(1.4842ms) - SELECT fieldvalue FROM userprofile_profiledata WHERE field_id = '5' && user_id='103'

QUERY(0.0842ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.0739ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.0739ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.087ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.093ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.0651ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.082ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='sports'

QUERY(0.0708ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM sports_config

QUERY(0.0679ms) - SELECT * FROM `users_profile` WHERE `user_id`=103

QUERY(0.1011ms) - SELECT value,text FROM userprofile_fields_initialvalues WHERE field_id = 5

QUERY(1.5869ms) - SELECT fieldvalue FROM userprofile_profiledata WHERE field_id = '5' && user_id=''

QUERY(0.1869ms) - SELECT `sport_id` FROM `attribute` a INNER JOIN `user_attributes` u ON a.attribute_id=u.attribute_id && u.user_id=103 ORDER BY `sport_id` ASC

QUERY(0.0901ms) - SELECT * FROM `sports` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.082ms) - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sports` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) WHERE `sports`.`sport_id` = '1'

QUERY(0.1049ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports`.*,`photo`.`thumb_url` AS `thumb`,`photo`.`img_url` AS `large`,`photo`.`title` AS `alt` FROM `sports` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) WHERE `sports`.`sport_id` = '1'

QUERY(0.0761ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.0629ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.1841ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `attribute`.`attribute_id`,`attribute`.`name`,`attribute`.`description`,`attribute`.`url`,`attribute`.`icon`,`attribute`.`min`,`attribute`.`max`,`user_attributes`.`value` FROM `attribute` LEFT JOIN `user_attributes` ON (`attribute`.`attribute_id` = `user_attributes`.`attribute_id`) WHERE `attribute`.`sport_id` = '1' and `attribute`.`active` = '1' and `user_attributes`.`user_id` = '103' ORDER BY `attribute`.`fieldorder` asc

QUERY(0.1199ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`acronym`,`value` FROM `sports_governing_bodies` sb LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=sb.`logo_id` INNER JOIN `sports_governing_links` sg ON sg.`body_id`=sb.`body_id` WHERE `player_id`=103 && sg.`sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.0889ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.0589ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.097ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='sports'

QUERY(0.067ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM sports_config

QUERY(0.1211ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=1 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=2 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1192ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=3 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.3371ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `draft_adjustments`.`adjustment_id`,`draft_adjustments`.`draft_id`,`draft_adjustments`.`name`,`draft_adjustments`.`url`,`draft_adjustments`.`description`,`draft_adjustments`.`type`,`draft_adjustments`.`section_id`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`order`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`name` AS `sectionname`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`section_id`,`draft_adjustment_links`.`value` FROM `draft_adjustments` INNER JOIN `draft_adjustment_sections` ON (`draft_adjustments`.`section_id` = `draft_adjustment_sections`.`section_id`) INNER JOIN `draft` ON (`draft_adjustments`.`draft_id` = `draft`.`draft_id`) INNER JOIN draft_adjustment_links ON (user_id = 103 AND `draft_adjustments`.`adjustment_id` = `draft_adjustment_links`.`adjustment_id`) WHERE `draft`.`sport_id` = '1' ORDER BY `draft_adjustment_sections`.`order` ASC,`draft_adjustment_links`.`adjustment_id` ASC

QUERY(0.1099ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 9 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.1159ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 10 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.1171ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 29 && `value`=4

QUERY(0.1099ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 7 && `value`=3

QUERY(0.1042ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 11 && `value`=0

QUERY(0.114ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 12 && `value`=0

QUERY(0.1068ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 13 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.1111ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 92 && `value`=3

QUERY(0.4761ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams_players_scouting_reports`.*,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`img_url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname` AS `team_name`,`teams`.`url` AS `team_url`,`leagues`.`name` AS `league_name`,`league_seasons`.`name` AS `season_name` FROM `teams_players_scouting_reports` INNER JOIN `users` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`submitter_id` = `users`.`id`) INNER JOIN `photo` ON (`users`.`avatar_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`team_id` = `teams`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_seasons` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`season_id` = `league_seasons`.`season_id`) WHERE `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`confirmed` = '1' and `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`player_id` = '103' and `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`sport_id` = '1' ORDER BY `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`created` DESC

QUERY(0.072ms) - SELECT * FROM `users_socialmedia` WHERE `user_id`=103

QUERY(0.0901ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.072ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.083ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.071ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(178.0601ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`fullmascot`,`teams`.`logo_id`,`teams`.`wins_all`,`teams`.`losses_all`,`teams`.`league_id`,`teams`.`owner_id`,`teams`.`url`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`>`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`>`home_points`))) AS `wins`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`<`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`<`home_points`))) AS `losses`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`=`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`=`home_points`)) && (`home_points`!=0 && `away_points`!=0)) AS `ties`,`users`.`id` AS `user_id`,`users`.`username`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`confirmed`,`users`.`first_name`,`users`.`last_name`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`leagues`.`name` AS `league_name`,`leagues`.`url` AS `league_url`,`leagues`.`tournament`,`league_seasons`.`name` AS `season_name`,`league_seasons`.`url` AS `season_url`,`league_seasons`.`closed`,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_teams`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`league_teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_seasons` ON (`league_teams`.`season_id` = `league_seasons`.`season_id`) INNER JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) WHERE `teams_players`.`player_id` = '103' and `teams`.`approved` = '1' and `teams`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `wins` DESC,`teams`.`fullname` ASC

QUERY(0.0901ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.104ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.0839ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.078ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.0749ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.077ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.0989ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='sports'

QUERY(0.072ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM sports_config

QUERY(0.0751ms) - SELECT * FROM `users_profile` WHERE `user_id`=103

QUERY(0.102ms) - SELECT value,text FROM userprofile_fields_initialvalues WHERE field_id = 5

QUERY(1.8599ms) - SELECT fieldvalue FROM userprofile_profiledata WHERE field_id = '5' && user_id=''

QUERY(0.191ms) - SELECT `sport_id` FROM `attribute` a INNER JOIN `user_attributes` u ON a.attribute_id=u.attribute_id && u.user_id=103 ORDER BY `sport_id` ASC

QUERY(0.0999ms) - SELECT * FROM `sports` WHERE `sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.1061ms) - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sports` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) WHERE `sports`.`sport_id` = '1'

QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports`.*,`photo`.`thumb_url` AS `thumb`,`photo`.`img_url` AS `large`,`photo`.`title` AS `alt` FROM `sports` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`sports`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) WHERE `sports`.`sport_id` = '1'

QUERY(0.0839ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.0739ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.2081ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `attribute`.`attribute_id`,`attribute`.`name`,`attribute`.`description`,`attribute`.`url`,`attribute`.`icon`,`attribute`.`min`,`attribute`.`max`,`user_attributes`.`value` FROM `attribute` LEFT JOIN `user_attributes` ON (`attribute`.`attribute_id` = `user_attributes`.`attribute_id`) WHERE `attribute`.`sport_id` = '1' and `attribute`.`active` = '1' and `user_attributes`.`user_id` = '103' ORDER BY `attribute`.`fieldorder` asc

QUERY(0.1431ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`acronym`,`value` FROM `sports_governing_bodies` sb LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=sb.`logo_id` INNER JOIN `sports_governing_links` sg ON sg.`body_id`=sb.`body_id` WHERE `player_id`=103 && sg.`sport_id`=1

QUERY(0.0811ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.072ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.088ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='sports'

QUERY(0.066ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM sports_config

QUERY(0.1521ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=1 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.113ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=2 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1302ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `sports_positions_link`.`position_id`,`injury`,`name`,`name_url`,`abbr`,`locked` FROM `sports_positions_link` INNER JOIN `sports_positions` ON `sports_positions`.`position_id`=`sports_positions_link`.`position_id` WHERE `user_id`=103 && `sports_positions_link`.`sport_id`=1 && `primary`=3 && (`season_id`=0 || `season_id`=0) ORDER BY `season_id`=0 DESC LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.3409ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `draft_adjustments`.`adjustment_id`,`draft_adjustments`.`draft_id`,`draft_adjustments`.`name`,`draft_adjustments`.`url`,`draft_adjustments`.`description`,`draft_adjustments`.`type`,`draft_adjustments`.`section_id`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`order`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`name` AS `sectionname`,`draft_adjustment_sections`.`section_id`,`draft_adjustment_links`.`value` FROM `draft_adjustments` INNER JOIN `draft_adjustment_sections` ON (`draft_adjustments`.`section_id` = `draft_adjustment_sections`.`section_id`) INNER JOIN `draft` ON (`draft_adjustments`.`draft_id` = `draft`.`draft_id`) INNER JOIN draft_adjustment_links ON (user_id = 103 AND `draft_adjustments`.`adjustment_id` = `draft_adjustment_links`.`adjustment_id`) WHERE `draft`.`sport_id` = '1' ORDER BY `draft_adjustment_sections`.`order` ASC,`draft_adjustment_links`.`adjustment_id` ASC

QUERY(0.1471ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 9 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.149ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 10 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.1199ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 29 && `value`=4

QUERY(0.123ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 7 && `value`=3

QUERY(0.108ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 11 && `value`=0

QUERY(0.1161ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 12 && `value`=0

QUERY(0.1121ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 13 && `value`=2

QUERY(0.1268ms) - SELECT text FROM draft_adjustment_initialvalues WHERE adjustment_id = 92 && `value`=3

QUERY(0.4961ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams_players_scouting_reports`.*,`users`.`username`,`photo`.`img_url`,`teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname` AS `team_name`,`teams`.`url` AS `team_url`,`leagues`.`name` AS `league_name`,`league_seasons`.`name` AS `season_name` FROM `teams_players_scouting_reports` INNER JOIN `users` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`submitter_id` = `users`.`id`) INNER JOIN `photo` ON (`users`.`avatar_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `teams` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`team_id` = `teams`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_seasons` ON (`teams_players_scouting_reports`.`season_id` = `league_seasons`.`season_id`) WHERE `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`confirmed` = '1' and `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`player_id` = '103' and `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`sport_id` = '1' ORDER BY `teams_players_scouting_reports`.`created` DESC

QUERY(0.083ms) - SELECT * FROM `users_socialmedia` WHERE `user_id`=103

QUERY(0.0861ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.0842ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1559ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.083ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(168.5841ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `teams`.`team_id`,`teams`.`fullname`,`teams`.`fullmascot`,`teams`.`logo_id`,`teams`.`wins_all`,`teams`.`losses_all`,`teams`.`league_id`,`teams`.`owner_id`,`teams`.`url`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`>`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`>`home_points`))) AS `wins`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`<`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`<`home_points`))) AS `losses`,(SELECT count(`game_id`) FROM `games` WHERE `scrimmage`=0 && ((`home_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `home_points`=`away_points`) || (`away_team_id`=`teams`.`team_id` && `away_points`=`home_points`)) && (`home_points`!=0 && `away_points`!=0)) AS `ties`,`users`.`id` AS `user_id`,`users`.`username`,`users`.`user_url`,`users`.`confirmed`,`users`.`first_name`,`users`.`last_name`,`photo`.`thumb_url`,`leagues`.`name` AS `league_name`,`leagues`.`url` AS `league_url`,`leagues`.`tournament`,`league_seasons`.`name` AS `season_name`,`league_seasons`.`url` AS `season_url`,`league_seasons`.`closed`,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon` FROM `teams` LEFT JOIN `users` ON (`teams`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`teams`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_teams` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `league_teams`.`team_id`) LEFT JOIN `leagues` ON (`league_teams`.`league_id` = `leagues`.`league_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_seasons` ON (`league_teams`.`season_id` = `league_seasons`.`season_id`) INNER JOIN `teams_players` ON (`teams`.`team_id` = `teams_players`.`team_id`) INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`teams`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) WHERE `teams_players`.`player_id` = '103' and `teams`.`approved` = '1' and `teams`.`active` = '1' ORDER BY `wins` DESC,`teams`.`fullname` ASC

QUERY(0.1471ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code`,`name` FROM `page_footers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:11:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:11:%') ) ORDER BY `sort` ASC