
Fantasy Football for Softballers

Season: 2024-2025 Season (Other Seasons)
Sport: Fantasy Football
Event Director
Registration Deadline
Thu, Sep 5
Join as Alternate

Extra Merchandise Information

Need some gear for your experience? Don't worry, we got you!

Browse and Purchase Extra Merch

Available for local pickup at the event only, unless otherwise specified.

Add an Additional Team

Additional team will be in a different division. $5 discount on additional teams after your first.


"I Suck at Fantasy Football" Shirt

Send us a picture of the league loser from your fantasy football league and we'll give them a gift to wear at your next draft! Note: Please order at least 3 weeks ahead of your draft if you want it by then!


Custom "The League" Shirt

Create a customized t-shirt / jersey for your entire fantasy football league. Can include the players here on League Joe, or players from one of your other leagues!



Browse and Purchase Extra Merch

96 279

Debug Information

Request Variables

var = league

varb = fantasy-football-league

varc = 2024-season

vard = merch

vara =

vare =

view_var = league

view_varb = fantasy-football-league

view_varc = 2024-season

view_vard = merch

view_vare =

view_varf =

view_varg =

Debug Messages

Site ID: 1

Sub Domain:

Domain: netstuffersdev1.com

Site name: LeagueJoe

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SECURETOKEN: 9ccaad965ac0c56f1e3ba077ac4ec5b9

Login Type:

BASE:: league

FULL LINK:: league/fantasy-football-league/2024-season/merch

Page ID: 27

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Template Layout:: default

Headers: : Loading page header code

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Element ID: Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => Array ( [0] => 10 ) [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => )

Admin Login Level: :

Footer: : Loading page footer code

Session Variables

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fullstate =

Cookie Variables

Server Variables

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SQL Queries

Total Queries: 51
Total Execution Time: 11.5978ms
Avg Execution Time:0.22740784313725ms

QUERY(1.0519ms) - INSERT INTO security_log (domain,username, log_date, log_time, method, page, ip, address, browser, getvars, postvars, sessionvars,badlogin,userlogin,timestamp) VALUES ('.netstuffersdev1.com','','2024-09-19', '16:10:14', 'GET', '/league/fantasy-football-league/2024-season/merch/', '', 'https://netstuffersdev1.com/league/fantasy-football-league/2024-season/merch' ,'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', '', '','OXoxRVZMVjQ4WTB4djhqV3ZoeDVtblpoN1hrL0hkTEp1M0toVlNEamZhemRBV3pFbEoySGpLNENDUEwvTllYYTdJbXF0VEpGU0kydFJCbTI2ZXBEMFJBRVg0dFkwRWFpb0lHM2Zhcm5XM0RNOFFCMWV2dm5GelF3eEViUTBrc3k=','0','','1726762214') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ip`=`ip`

QUERY(0.5059ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `end_timestamp` FROM `security_locks` WHERE ((`who`='' && `which`='IP'))

QUERY(0.118ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE dest FROM redirects WHERE source = '/league/fantasy-football-league/2024-season/merch/'

QUERY(0.3028ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='league/fantasy-football-league/2024-season/merch' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.14ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`light`,`name`,`pagedisplay` FROM pages WHERE `pagedisplay`='league' ORDER BY `domain`='1' DESC,`domain` ASC

QUERY(0.102ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `id`,`layout`,`name`,`pagedisplay`,`customize` FROM `pages` WHERE `id`='27'

QUERY(0.2739ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='userprofiles'

QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT * FROM userprofiles_config

QUERY(0.2542ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name` FROM `states` WHERE `abbr`='' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1271ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE title,metakeys,metadescript,seomodule,seotitlefield,seodescfield,seotitletable,seodesctable,urllinkfield FROM pages WHERE `id`='27' && `domain`='1'

QUERY(0.1721ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.1199ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.3691ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `leagues`.*,`sports`.`name` AS `sport_name`,`sports`.`icon` AS `sport_icon`,`sports`.`name_url` AS `sport_url`,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `league_teams` WHERE `league_id`=`leagues`.`league_id`) AS `teams` FROM `leagues` INNER JOIN `sports` ON (`leagues`.`sport_id` = `sports`.`sport_id`) LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`leagues`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`leagues`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) WHERE `leagues`.`url` = 'fantasy-football-league' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.2511ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=13

QUERY(0.325ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `league_seasons`.*,`league_seasons`.`url` AS season_url,`photo`.`img_url`,`venues`.`name` AS `venue`,`venues`.`city`,`venues`.`state`,`league_dates`.`reg_date`,`league_dates`.`reg_end_date`,`league_dates`.`start_date`,`league_dates`.`end_date`,`league_dates`.`draft_date`,`league_dates`.`manual_date_display` FROM `league_seasons` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON (`league_seasons`.`logo_id` = `photo`.`photo_id`) LEFT JOIN `venues` ON (`league_seasons`.`venue_id` = `venues`.`venue_id`) LEFT JOIN `league_dates` ON (`league_seasons`.`season_id` = `league_dates`.`season_id`) WHERE `league_seasons`.`league_id` = '96' and `league_seasons`.`url` = '2024-season' ORDER BY `league_dates`.`start_date` ASC

QUERY(0.1729ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `name`,`img_url` FROM `sports` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `sports`.`logo_id`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `sport_id`=13

QUERY(0.1059ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `zone_name` FROM `zone` WHERE `zone_id`=1026 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.2029ms) - SELECT `photographers`,`payment_terms`,`payment_type`,`package_pricing`,`min_deposit` FROM `league_custom_content` WHERE `league_id`=96 && `season_id`=279 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1352ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `allow_couples`,`disable_standings`,`type`,`groups`,`group_size`,`divisions`,`schedule_type`,`allow_alts`,`show_schedule_level` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`=96 && `season_id`=279 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1502ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `league_cache` WHERE `league_id`=96 && `season_id`=279 && `updated`>=(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)

QUERY(0.1271ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `enabled` FROM `league_merch` WHERE `season_id`=279 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1631ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_headers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:27:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:27:%') ) ORDER BY `id` ASC

QUERY(0.1349ms) - SELECT `offset` FROM `zone` WHERE `zone_name`='America/Indianapolis'

QUERY(0.1888ms) - SELECT count(`league_id`) FROM `league_players` WHERE `player_id`=''

QUERY(0.222ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `block_id`,`element_id`,`function_id`,`type` FROM `blocks` WHERE `page_id`='27' ORDER BY `order` ASC

QUERY(0.1919ms) - SELECT `abbr`,`name` FROM `states` WHERE `active`=1 ORDER BY `name` ASC

QUERY(0.0999ms) - select SQL_CACHE codename,classname,scriptname from modules WHERE `id`='10'

QUERY(0.2892ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.113ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.18ms) - SELECT `company`.*,`img_url` FROM `company` INNER JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`company`.`logo_onwhite` WHERE `company_id`=1

QUERY(0.1409ms) - SELECT `sport_id` FROM `sports` WHERE `name_url`='fantasy-football-league'

QUERY(0.119ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.123ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.109ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='league'

QUERY(0.129ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM league_config

QUERY(0.1221ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.098ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1411ms) - SELECT `hall_of_fame` FROM `league_schedule_options` WHERE `league_id`='96' && `season_id`='279' LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1211ms) - SELECT * FROM `league_notices` WHERE `league_id`=96 && `season_id`=279

QUERY(0.232ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `standings_id` FROM `standings` WHERE `season_id`=279 LIMIT 0,1

QUERY(0.1371ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='teams'

QUERY(0.0949ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM teams_config

QUERY(0.1209ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='draft'

QUERY(0.107ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM draft_config

QUERY(0.2069ms) - SELECT COUNT(*),version FROM modules WHERE `codename`='payments'

QUERY(0.0999ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM payments_config

QUERY(0.2999ms) - SELECT * FROM league_merch WHERE season_id=279

QUERY(0.5991ms) - SELECT * FROM `products` LEFT JOIN `photo` ON `photo`.`photo_id`=`products`.`photo_id` WHERE `products`.`deleted`=0 && `products`.`season_id`=279 ORDER BY `soldout` ASC,`products`.`sort` ASC

QUERY(0.9649ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`fullname` FROM `teams` INNER JOIN `league_teams` ON `teams`.`team_id`=`league_teams`.`team_id` INNER JOIN `league_seasons` ON `league_teams`.`season_id`=`league_seasons`.`season_id` && `league_seasons`.`url`='2024-season' INNER JOIN `photo` ON `teams`.`jersey_img`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `jersey_img` > 0 ORDER BY `fullname` ASC

QUERY(0.639ms) - SELECT `img_url`,`fullname` FROM `teams` INNER JOIN `league_teams` ON `teams`.`team_id`=`league_teams`.`team_id` INNER JOIN `league_seasons` ON `league_teams`.`season_id`=`league_seasons`.`season_id` && `league_seasons`.`url`='2024-season' INNER JOIN `photo` ON `teams`.`jersey_img_away`=`photo`.`photo_id` WHERE `jersey_img_away` > 0 ORDER BY `fullname` ASC

QUERY(0.2809ms) - SELECT SQL_CACHE `code` FROM `page_footers` WHERE (`domain`=1||domain_global=1) && (`include` LIKE '%:27:%' || (`global`=1 && `exclude` NOT LIKE '%:27:%') ) ORDER BY `id` ASC