Week 2 recap

Posted 10-12-2022

Week 2 LeagueJoe Weekly Recap

In their 1st game of the night Off on the Bases had a better grip and held on to defeat Hollywood Handshakes 15-11. With amazing defensive plays from Bryn Davis and Rookie Charley Collado to close out the game.

The Pumpkin Posse showed up in their 1st game of the night scoring 21 runs on the Blazing Bases who just ran outta fuel. They put up 15 runs, but the Pumpkin Posse just hit too many seeds.

Carmel Apple Mafia won their 7pm game with ease 17-6, as Candy Corners just couldn't hit the sweet spot.

With The Blazing Bases coming into their 9pm game fresh off a loss, they scorched The Candy Corners 18-8. Coach Paula Cope-Stallings lit the fire her team needed to get them back on track and in the win column.

Pumpkin Posse beat Off on The Bases in their 2nd matchup of the night 16-10. The Pumpkin Posse took the undefeated title from OoTB, putting the Posse 2-0 on the night, and sending Off on the Bases back to their dugout with a 3-1 record.

In the final match up and definitely Game of Week Carmel Apple Mafia topped Hollywood Handshakes 9-8. With the game on the line, seasoned vet Mike O' Malley struck out 3 straight batters with bases loaded. With time expired and 2 outs Rookie Kayla Ozolins burns center field as the ball 1 hops the fence to drive in the game winning run.

Week 3 games will be at 8&10. Stayed tuned for more updates!

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