Turf Wars Indy - Event Recap and Survey

Posted 11-07-2024

Thank you to everyone who attended last week's Turf Wars.  This was a new concept for play and from what we've seen, it was highly successful.  We loved seeing so many faces of people who haven't played in a long time, mixed with people we see every week, and the condensed format was hectic but fun.  If you didn't stay until the end, the results are below.  But first - please help us by completing this quick survey about the format.  This will help us learn what you liked, what you didn't, and enable us to do similar, fun pop up events more often in the future.

Turf Wars Player Survey

And the winner is....

The scoring system for Turf Wars was simple - we are looking for which park had the best overall represented Run Differential based on their matchups for the evening. Our most competitive matchups were more valuable, however, and counted as double on the standings.

Midwest Dominated Early
The players from Midwest came out to play and won the first three overall timeslots 5 games to 4, with a substantial run differential lead built in their victories.

Early Score
134-109 - Midwest Advantage

ISP Competitive Might Shows Up Late
But those competitive games between our Men's and Women's Squads and the former championship teams mattered quite a bit. While the parks split the gender matchups with Midwest taking Men's and ISP taking Women's, it was ultimately the ISP Run-it-Back Championship squads that completed the comeback for Indy Sports Park.

Final Score
198-197 - ISP Wins

When we make our events, we want to make sure everyone has fun, and everyone has a chance to win. To have 14 total games end up with a run differential of 1 freakin' run is phenomenal, and players from both teams should be proud. Although at the end of the day, there can be only one pie.... and.... well.... Smitty wears it well, at least.

See the Full Results465401955101004117860698602388453765160924908_recjoe1730919039.jpg

Thank you for Playing, and Embracing the Spirit of Fun

We know things were a little chaotic, but overall we saw nothing but smiles, and laughter, and reunions, and a healthy dose of appropriately friendly smack talk. This is just the first Turf Wars and we will definitely be back - bigger and better next year!

Turf Wars Player Survey

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