Fall Season Cancellation

Posted 11-19-2018

Image result for frozen softball

Let it gooooo, let it gooooo!


Hey all!

So we have entered uncharted territory for League Joe as for the first time in our history, the Fall Season will not be able to be completed due to weather concerns.  This decision was made by the venue based on the condition of the fields and the lack of any decent weather for the foreseeable future.  This is unfortunate... but we also understand.  Nobody really enjoys stingers and cold noses during softball.

But a champion must be crowned, and we shall crown them!  ....Next year in the Spring.  The venue has agreed that the first sign of good weather will be open to us to use the fields to complete our Fall Season in advance of the Spring session.  We anticipate this is likely to occur sometime in March, but we'll keep our eye on the weather and let you know with advanced notice.  

When this occurs, we're also going to be the only ones out there on the field, so we're going to turn it into a full league tournament where all teams will have the opportunity to duke it out before we declare the ultimate winner.

We do apologize for the weather cancellation and delay of the fall season, but we hope to do something new with the LJ Spring/Fall Tournament, and we think it could be a lot of fun.

Until then.... bundle up, stay warm, and drink a beer/eggnog/club soda with your friends and family tonight. 

See you in the Spring.

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/leaguejo_dev/public_html/templates/lj/modules/articles/full.php on line 191

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SQL Queries

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